Angelina Tittmann

IGB receives TOTAL E-QUALITY award

The Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) has been honoured with the TOTAL E-QUALITY award. This renowned award recognises the Institute's equal opportunities strategy, which meets the TOTAL E-QUALITY standards in various fields of action.

Graciela Medina Madariaga, Jonas Mauch, Kirsten Pohlmann, Samah Elhussein Mohammedahmed Makawi, Tamal Roy and Ann-Marie Ring are exemplary for the many colleagues whose diverse backgrounds, identities and perspectives make IGB a particularly creative and vibrant place. | © David Ausserhofer/IGB

TEQ Prädikat

According to the jury, IGB received the TOTAL E-QUALITY award for the years 2023 to 2025 “due to its exemplary actions in terms of a gender- and diversity-friendly organisational culture”. For example, important milestones in gender equality have been achieved in recent years, such as the introduction of gender- and diversity-sensitive recruitment procedures, the promotion of the career development of young female scientists and the improved reconciliation of work and caring responsibilities. The jury acknowledges this progress and encourages the Institute in its efforts to achieve gender parity at all levels through more targeted career support for women scientists. This could be supported, among other things, by the introduction of a sound gender monitoring system.

IGB has 260 employees – 45 per cent of whom are women. “Women make up 37 per cent of the scientific staff and only 28 per cent of the management staff. We have similar trends in internationalisation. This encourages us to continue our efforts to achieve more equal opportunities,” said Kirsten Pohlmann, Equal Opportunities Officer at IGB.

Luc De Meester, Director of IGB, is also delighted to receive the award and emphasised the importance of an inclusive and diverse research environment: “Research teams in which people with different backgrounds and perspectives work together tend to be more creative and productive. That's why we are committed to providing a welcoming, diverse and inclusive working atmosphere where researchers and other staff can reach their full potential, regardless of gender, background or identity”.

The award ceremony will take place on 19 October 2023 in Dortmund.

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IGB-Gleichstellungsplan 2020-2022

Ziel der Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen am IGB ist es, Frauen und Männern die gleichberechtigte Teilhabe am Arbeitsalltag im IGB zu ermöglichen und eine gleichwertige berufliche Entwicklung zu erreichen.

Diversitäts- und Inklusionsstrategie des FVB

Ziel dieser Diversitäts- und Inklusionsstrategie ist es, ein einladendes, vielfältiges und inklusives Arbeitsumfeld zu schaffen, das es Wissenschaftler*innen und wissenschaftsunterstützenden Mitarbeitenden ungeachtet ihrer Herkunft und Identität ermöglicht, harmonisch zusammenzuarbeiten und ihren persönlichen und gemeinsamen Erfolg bei der Umsetzung der Missionen der FVB-Institute zu maximieren.

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