Associations, societies, initiatives, foundations, think tanks

Science-based advice for civil society organisations

Photo: IGB

Objective advice to non-governmental associations, societies, initiatives and foundations is an important part of our scientific work. This includes not only environmental protection organisations but also explicitly user organisations.

IGB sees the organised civil society as an important actor in the democratic formation of opinion and representation of interests. As a public and independent research institute, we share our research knowledge e.g. with expert advisors, speakers, working groups or similar bodies working on water issues.

We are not a political actor and are committed to scientific objectivity. On our own initiative, sometimes also on request, we develop research-based assessments, expert opinions or policy briefs and are available as experts, for example in hearings, but also for confidential background exchange. In addition, we offer our own dialogue formats on societally relevant water and water body issues. As a public research institute, however, we do not usually sign or support political third-party petitions or campaigns.

Are you interested in exchanging knowledge with our researchers on a specific topic? Then please feel free to contact us!

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