
Welcome to IGB Library.

Journal display at the Library in Berlin Friedrichshagen. | Foto: IGB

About the Library

As a specialised scientific library we offer academic research services primarily for the employees working at the IGB. We are happy to provide support on the following topics, among others:

  • Open Access, Open Science and scientific publishing
  • Literature search and management
  • Consulting and trainings to library knowledge transfer topics and scientific publishing

All our holdings can be found online in our catalogue. The Library has two locations: the main Library is located in Berlin Friedrichshagen and a smaller branch library is in Neuglobsow. We enable our users to access the collections of both locations. The library is a reference library and is accessible to institute staff around the clock. External users wishing to visit the Library are kindly asked to get in contact with us by appointment. The Library staff is happy to assist you by email, phone, or in person.

Collections and Holdings

Our print collections comprise about 30,000 catalogued items in stacks (as of 2020), mainly books, periodicals, reprints, university publications and research reports. We also preserve historical collections and archival documents (Rara) from the IGB‘s former institutions. Special collections such as the "Ditton-Library" contain unique resources on the social and economic value of recreational fishing. The Library also takes care of the IBG's institutional bibliography. Currently, over 6,300 IGB publications (as of March 2023) can be found online.
For the scientists at the IGB we provide licenses to full-text articles through Wiley, Springer Nature, Taylor & Frances, JSTOR, Nature, BioOne, and Oxford. Online we have access to ebooks and journal archives with more than 8,200 titles. Additionally, we provide access to the bibliographic database Web of Science and the ebook platform EbookCentral.

Open Access

The IGB welcomes and supports free open, online, and barrier-free access to and exchange of scientific research results and has adopted an Open Access Policy in 2019. We take part in the Leibniz publishing fund and created an IGB publishing fund in 2018 to enable the immediate publication of scientific articles. We support self-archiving of non open access articles via the so-called "green route". You can find our publications in LeibnizOpen.

Since 2022, the library has coordinated the DFG funding programme "Open Access Publication Costs", in which the IGB participates for a funding period of three years.

Cooperation and Networks

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