GLANCE - Publications and Presentations

Peer reviewed manuscripts

Berger C, Kiesel J. 2019. Conceptual Model of Salinity Intrusion by Tidal Trapping. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 145(10):04019033.

Blöschl G, Bierkens MFP, Chambel A, Cudennec C, Destouni G, . . . Zang Y. 2019. Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH) – a community perspective, Hydrological Sciences Journal 64(10):1141-1158.

Domisch S, Friedrichs M, Hein T, Borgwardt F, Wetzig A, Jähnig SC, Langhans SD. 2019. Spatially explicit species distribution models: A missed opportunity in conservation planning? Diversity and Distributions 25:758–769.

Domisch S, Kakouei K, Martínez-López J, Bagstad KJ, Magrach A, . . . Langhans SD. 2019. Social equity shapes zone-selection: Balancing aquatic biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services delivery in the transnational Danube River Basin. Science of the Total Environment 656:797-807.

Domisch S, Portmann FT, Kuemmerlen M, O'Hara RB, Johnson RK, . . . Jähnig SC. 2017. Using streamflow observations to estimate the impact of hydrological regimes and anthropogenic water use on European stream macroinvertebrate occurrences. Ecohydrology 10:e1895.

Friedrichs M, Hermoso V, Bremerich V, Langhans SD. 2018. Evaluation of habitat protection under the European Natura 2000 conservation network – The example for Germany. PloS one 13(12):e0208264.

Friedrichs-Manthey M, Langhans SD, Hein T, Borgwardt F, Kling H, Jähnig SC, Domisch S. 2020a. From topography to hydrology—The modifiable area unit problem impacts freshwater species distribution models. Ecology and Evolution, Online early.

Friedrichs-Manthey M, Langhans SD, Hein T, Borgwardt F, Kling H, Jähnig SC, Domisch S. 2020b. Art-Areal-Modellierung für Fischarten im Einzugsgebiet der oberen Donau - Aspekte zur Interpretation der Projektionen. WasserWirtschaft 2-3.

Gericke A, Kiesel J, Deumlich D, Venohr M. 2019. Recent and future changes in rainfall erosivity and implications for the soil erosion risk in Brandenburg, NE Germany. Water 11(5):904.

Guse B, Kiesel J, Pfannerstill M, Fohrer N. 2020. Assessing parameter identifiability for multiple performance criteria to constrain model parameters. Hydrological Sciences Journal doi: 10.1080/02626667.2020.1734204.

Guse B, Pfannerstill M, Gafurov A, Kiesel J, Lehr C, Fohrer N. 2017. Identifying the connective strength between model parameters and performance criteria. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21:5663-5679.

Guse B, Pfannerstill M, Kiesel J, Strauch M, Volk M, Fohrer N. 2019. Analysing spatio-temporal process and parameter dynamics in models to characterise contrasting catchments. Journal of Hydrology 570:863-874.

Irving K, Jähnig SC, Kuemmerlen M. 2019. Identifying and applying an optimum set of environmental variables in species distribution models. Inland Waters. doi: 10.1080/20442041.2019.1653111

Irving K, Kakouei K, Kiesel J, Domisch S, Kuemmerlen M,  Jähnig SC. 2018. A high-resolution streamflow and hydrological metrics dataset for ecological modeling using a regression model. Scientific Data 5:180-224.

Jähnig SC, Adrian R, Arlinghaus R, Becks L, Behrmann­Godel J, . . . Worischka S. 2019. Lebendiges Wasser: Forschungsagenda zur biologischen Vielfalt der Binnen- und Küstengewässer. doi: 10.4126/FRL01-006414368

Jähnig SC, Adrian R, Arlinghaus R, Becks L, Behrmann­Godel J, . . . Worischka S. 2019. Living Waters: A Research Agenda for the Biodiversity of Inland and Coastal Waters. doi: 10.4126/FRL01006418180

Jähnig SC, Monaghan MT, Hering D. 2019. In-depth approach to river management. Nature 572:32.

Jähnig SC, Shah DN, Shah RDT, Li F, Cai Q, Sundermann A, Tonkin JD, Stendera S. 2015. Community-environment relationships of riverine invertebrate communities in central Chinese streams. Environmental Earth Sciences 74: 6431-6442.

Jähnig SC, Tonkin JD, Gies M, Domisch S, Hering D, Haase P. 2017. Severity multipliers as a methodology to explore potential effects of climate change on stream bioassessment programs. Water 9:188.

Jarić I, Courchamp F, Correi, R, Crowley SL, Essl F, . . . Jeschke JM. 2020. The role of species charisma in biological invasions. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 18(6):354-353. doi: 10.1002/fee.2195

Jarić I, Lennox RJ, Kalinkat G, Cvijanovic G, Radinger J. 2019. Susceptibility of European freshwater fish to climate change: species profiling based on life-history and environmental characteristics. Global Change Biology 25:448-458.

Kakouei K, Domisch S, Kiesel J, Kail J, Jähnig SC. 2020. Climate model variability leads to uncertain predictions of future abundances of stream macroinvertebrates. Scientific Reports 10(1). doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-59107-y

Kakouei K, Kiesel J, Domisch S, Irving K, Jähnig SC, Kail J. 2018. Projected effects of climate-change-induced flow alterations on stream macroinvertebrate abundances. Ecology and Evolution 8:3393–3409.

Kakouei K, Kiesel J, Pusch M, Kail J, Jähnig SC. 2017. Quantitative hydrologic preferences of benthic stream invertebrates in Germany. Ecological Indicators 79:163-172.

Kalinkat G, Jähnig SC, Jeschke JM. 2017. Exceptional body size-extinction risk relations shed new light on the freshwater biodiversity crisis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114:E10263–E10264.

Kiesel J, Gericke A, Rathjens H, Wetzig A, Kakouei K, Jähnig SC, Fohrer N. 2019. Climate change impacts on ecologically relevant hydrological indicators in three catchments in three European ecoregions. Ecological Engineering 127:404-416.

Kiesel J, Guse B, Bormann H. 2019. Projecting the consequences of climate change on river ecosystems. In: Multiple Stress in river ecosystems – Status, impacts and prospects for the future. Editors: S. Sabater, A. Elosegi, R. Ludwig. Elsevier, 2019. - ch. 16, S. 281-301.

Kiesel J, Guse B, Pfannerstill M, Kakouei K, Jähnig SC, Fohrer N. 2017. Improving hydrological model optimization for riverine species. Ecological Indicators 80:376-385.

Kiesel J, Hering D, Ceylan M, Kuemmerlen M, Jähnig SC, Schmalz B, Fohrer N. 2018. Modelling freshwater habitats and their macroinvertebrate communities. In: Novel Methods and Results of Landscape Research in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia, Vol. III Landscape Monitoring and Modelling. Main Editors: VG Sychev, L Mueller.

Kiesel J, Kakouei K, Guse B, Fohrer N,  Jähnig SC. 2020a. When is a hydrological model sufficiently calibrated to depict flow preferences of riverine species? Ecohydrology, online early. doi: 10.1002/eco.2193

Kiesel J, Stanzel P, Kling H, Fohrer N, Jähnig SC, Pechlivanidis I. 2020b. Streamflow-based evaluation of climate model sub-selection methods. Climatic Change.

Lago M, Boteler B, Rouillard J, Abhold K, Jähnig SC, . . . McDonald H. 2019. Introducing the H2020 AQUACROSS project: Knowledge, Assessment, and Management for AQUAtic Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services aCROSS EU policies. Science of the Total Environment 652:320-329.

Langhans SD, Domisch S, Balbi S, Delacámara G, Hermoso V, . . . Jähnig SC. 2019. Combining eight research areas to foster the uptake of ecosystem-based management in fresh waters. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29:1161-1173.

Langhans SD, Jähnig SC, Schallenberg M. 2018. On the use of multicriteria decision analysis to formally integrate community values into ecosystem-based freshwater management. River Research and Applications 35:1666-1676.

Langhans SD, Jähnig SC, Lago M, Schmid-Kloiber A, Hein T. 2019. The potential of ecosystem-based management to integrate biodiversity conservation and ecosystem service provision in aquatic ecosystems (editorial overview). Science of the Total Environment 672:1017–1020.

Looy KV, Tonkin JD, Floury M, Leigh C, Soininen J, . . . Wolter C. 2019. The three Rs of river ecosystem resilience: Resources, Recruitment and Refugia. River Research and Applications 35:107-120.

Maasri A. 2019c. A Global and Unified Trait Database for Aquatic Macroinvertebrates: The Missing Piece in a Global Approach. Frontiers in Environmental Science 7:65. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2019.00065

Maasri A, Schechner AE, Erdenee B, Dodds WK, Chandra S, Gelhaus JK, Thorp JH. 2019a. Does diel variation in oxygen influence taxonomic and functional diversity of stream macroinvertebrates? Freshwater Science 38:692-701.

Maasri A, Thorp JH, Gelhaus JK, Tromboni F, Chandra S, Kenner SJ. 2019b. Communities associated with the Functional Process Zone scale: A case study of stream macroinvertebrates in endorheic drainages. Science of the Total Environment 677:184-193.

Mahmoodi N, Kiesel J, Wagner PD, Fohrer N. accepted. Water use systems and soil and water conservation methods in a hydrological model of an Iranian Wadi system. Journal of Arid Land.

Mahmoodi N, Wagner PD, Kiesel J, Fohrer N. accepted. Modeling the impact of climate change on streamflow and major hydrological components of an Iranian Wadi system. Regional Environmental Change.

Sada R, Schmalz B, Kiesel J, Fohrer N. 2019. Probable Changes in Climate and Hydrological Regimes of the Western Siberian Lowlands. Environmental Earth Sciences 78:56.

Schmidt-Kloiber A, Bremerich V, De Wever A, Jähnig SC, Martens K, . . . Hering D. 2019. The Freshwater Information Platform: a global online network providing data, tools and resources for science and policy support. Hydrobiologia 838:1-11.

Schuwirth N, Borgwardt F, Domisch S, Friedrichs M, Kattwinkel M, . . . Vermeiren P. 2019. How to make ecological models useful for environmental management. Ecological Modelling 411:108784.

Schmalz B, Kruse M, Kiesel J, Müller F, Fohrer N. 2016. Water-related ecosystem services in Western Siberian lowland basins - Analysing and mapping spatial and seasonal effects on regulating services based on ecohydrological modelling results. Ecological Indicators 71:55-65.

Schürz C, Mehdi B, Kiesel J, Schulz K, Herrnegger M. accepted. Uncertainties in soil erosion risk estimation - a comprehensive assessment for Kenya and Uganda. Hydrological Earth System Sciences.

Tonkin JD, Heino J, Sundermann A, Haase P, Jähnig SC. 2016. Context dependency in biodiversity patterns of central German stream metacommunities. Freshwater Biology 61:607–620.

Tonkin JD, Stoll S, Haase P, Jähnig SC. 2016. Elements of metacommunity structure of river and riparian assemblages: communities, taxonomic groups and deconstructed trait groups. Ecological Complexity 25:35-43.

Tonkin JD, Stoll S, Jähnig SC, Haase P. 2016. Contrasting metacommunity structure and beta diversity in an aquatic-floodplain system. Oikos 125:686–697.

Tonkin JD, Stoll S, Jähnig SC, Haase P. 2016. Anthropogenic land-use stress alters community concordance at the river-riparian interface. Ecological Indicators 65:133–141.

Vu TT, Kiesel J, Guse B, Fohrer N. 2019. Towards an improved understanding of hydrological change - Linking hydrologic metrics and multiple change point tests. Journal of Water and Climate Change 10(4):743-758.

Vu TT, Kiesel J, Guse B, Fohrer N. 2019. Analysis of the occurrence, robustness and characteristics of abrupt changes in streamflow time series under future climate change. Climate Risk Management 26:100198.

Zarfl C, Berlekamp J, He F, Jähnig SC, Daewall W, Tockner K. 2019. Future large hydropower dams impact global freshwater megafauna. Scientific Reports 9:18531.

Presentations at conferences / workshops


Friedrichs-Manthey M. 2019. Zukünftige Verbreitungsmuster von Fischarten in der oberen Donau - Wie historische Daten die Zukunft beeinflussen. 6. Symposium zum technischen Monitoring von Fischen, Gießen, Germany, 22.-23.05.2019.

Friedrichs-Manthey M. 2019. Use the past to predict the future –on the use of historical data to validate species distribution models. 11th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences, 30.06.2019 to 05.07.2019, Zagreb, Croatia.

Irving K. 2019. Disentangling the influence of climatic and hydrologic predictor variables on benthic macroinvertebrate distribution. Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS11) 2019, 30.06.-05.07.2019, Zagreb, Croatia.

Jähnig SC. 2019. Impacts of climate and subsequent hydrological model variability on predictions of future stream macroinvertebrates distributions. Symposium - Managing hydro-climatic risks in a changing world including Appreciation Ceremony of 20 years Sino-German Yangtze Research Cooperation, 23.-27.09.2019, Darmstadt, Germany.

Jähnig SC. 2019. Modeling freshwater biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services delivery in a changing world. International Workshop on Water and Climate Change in a Coupled Human-Natural System - Southern University of Science and Technology, 01.-05.09.2019, Shenzhen, China

Kiesel J. 2019. Abiotischer Ressourcenschutz: Eine Herausforderung für die Landschaftsarchitektur und Umweltplanung, Berufungsverfahren zur Professur “Abiotischer Ressourcenschutz” Fachhochschule Erfurt, 01.02.2019.

Kiesel J. 2019. Introducing HAWQS - Hydrologic and Water Quality System, SWAT-Germany workshop, 21.03.2019, Rostock.

Kiesel J. 2019. An assessment of methods to deal with climate change uncertainty – validating the selection of ensemble combinations, European Geosciences Union (EGU), 10.04.2019, Wien.

Kiesel J. 2020. Ecohydrological modelling cascades – concept, data requirements, model coupling and example applications. SONATA Kick-off meeting, 27-28 January 2020, Kociszew (PL)


Friedrichs M. 2018. Hierarchical scale-dependancy in freshwater species distribution models: Does the predictor importance change with the varying spatial scales? Annual Meeting 2018 of the Society for Freshwater Sciences in Detroit, USA, 24.04.2018.

Irving K. 2018. Identifying and applying optimum environmental predictors in accordance with macro-invertebrate species preferences. Präsentation. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, Detroit, USA, 19.-23. Mai 2018.

Irving K. 2018. Improvement of Global Change Projections for Riverine Benthic Macroinvertebrates. 3rd Year Project Talk, IGB, 6. Dezember 2018.

Kakouei K. 2018.How does climate-model variability cascade into predictions of macroinvertebrates future abundance? 34th congress of the International Society of Limnology (SIL2018), Nanjing, China, 19-24 August 2018.

Kakouei K. 2018.Climate model variability leads to uncertain predictions of future abundances of stream macroinvertebrates. The second Young Water Researchers Symposium, RWTH Aachen University, 26 November 2018.

Kalinkat G. 2018. Thermally altered freshwater systems: A neglected opportunity to study multiple stressors in the face of climate change”.  ASLO Jahreskonferenz, Victoria, Kanada, Juni 2018.

Kiesel J. 2018. Do uncertainty reductions in climate change assessments really impact the hydrological response? European Geosciences Union (EGU), 12.04.2018, Wien.

Kiesel J. 2018. Uncertainties in Climate Change Impact analyses - Challenges and Perspectives. Abteilungskolloquium IGB Berlin, 18.09.2018.

Kiesel J. 2018. Effekte des globalen Wandels auf Fließgewässerökosysteme: Ergebnisse vom Projekt GLANCE. 14. Hydrologie Workshop der Abteilung Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft 05.11.2018, Kiel.

Kiesel J, Gericke A, Rathjens H, Wetzig A, Kakouei K, Jähnig SC, Fohrer N. 2018. Uncertainties in climate change projections – impact of model selection and methods. SWAT Conference Chennai, 10.01.2018.


Friedrichs M. 2017. Uncertainties in species distribution models: effects of spatial and temporal scales on future predictions. Expose Presentation of the doctoral thesis: IGB, Berlin, Germany, 26.05.2016.

Friedrichs M, Hermoso V, Bremerich V, Langhans SD. 2017. Evaluation of habitat protection under the European Natura 2000 conservation scheme. Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 06.07.2017.

Friedrichs M, Hermoso V, Bremerich V, Langhans SD. 2017. Wie gut schützt Natura 2000 die in Europa vorkommenden natürlichen Habitat Typen? Interdisziplinäre Tagung für NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen im Rahmen des Übereinkommens über die biologische Vielfalt (CBD), Insel Vilm, 23.08.2017.

Friedrichs M, Hermoso V, Bremerich V, Langhans SD. 2017. Evaluation of habitat protection under the European Natura 2000 conservation scheme. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Cottbus, 27.09.2017.

Guse B, Pfannerstill M, Kiesel J, Strauch M, Volk M, Fohrer N. 2017. Analysing spatio-temporal dynamics of processes and parameters in a hydrological model to understand catchment similarities among different landscapes. Poster. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 Vienna, Austria, 23–28.04.2017.

Irving K. 2017. Daily stream flow and hydrological metrics for Germany, as predicted by a simple regression model. Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences 2017– Olomouc, CZ, July 2017.

Jähnig SC. 2017. Modelling riverine biodiversity and ecosystems service delivery. 5th Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science (ISRS)/ Plenary.

Jähnig SC. 2017. Biodiversity trends in rivers. IGB “Dialog am Müggelsee”.

Jähnig SC. Langhans SD. Domisch S. 2017. Jointly accounting for biodiversity and ecosystem services for optimizing freshwater management. Biannual Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS 10), Olomouc, Czech Republic, 02.-07.07.2017.

Jähnig SC. 2017. Global change effects on river ecosystems. Humboldt University Berlin, Faculty of Life Sciences, Thaer-Institute/ Invited talk.

Jähnig SC, Kiesel J, Guse B, Pfannerstill M, Kakouei K, Fohrer N. 2017. The role of hydrological extremes in ecohydrological model optimization. Oral presentation. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 Vienna, Austria, 23–28.04.2017, 26.04.2017.

Kakouei K, Kiesel J, Domisch S, Irving KS, Jähnig SC, Kail J. 2017. Projected effects of climate change-induced flow alterations on stream macroinvertebrate abundances. SEFS10, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 02.-07.07.2017.

Kakouei K, Kiesel J, Domisch S, Jähnig SC, Kail J. 2017. A quantitative approach to assess potential effects of climate-change induced flow alteration on stream macroinvertebrates. DGL 2017, Cottbus, Germany, 25.-29.09.2017.

Kiesel J, Fohrer N, Jähnig SC. 2017. From catchment hydrology to aquatic ecosystems. INRGREF Tunis 06.03.2017, ISA-CM Sousse 07.03.2017, ESIER Medjes el Beb 08.03.2017.

Kiesel J, Gericke A, Rathjens H, Guse B, Wetzig A, Jähnig SC, Fohrer N. 2017. Uncertainty assessment of the EURO-CORDEX climate change products on streamflow across Germany. EGU Wien, 24.04.2017

Kiesel J, Gericke A, Rathjens H, Wetzig A, Fohrer N, Jähnig SC. 2017. Einfluss des Klimawandels auf hydrologische Indikatoren - Unsicherheit und Quantifizierung. 13. Hydrologie-Workshop der Abteilung Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft, Kiel, 06.11.2017

Kiesel J, Gericke A,  Wetzig A, Jähnig SC, Fohrer N. 2017.  Uncertainty assessment of the EURO-CORDEX climate change products on streamflow across Germany. Oral presentation. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 Vienna, Austria, 23–28.04.2017.


Irving K. 2016. Improvement of global change projections for riverine benthic macro-invertebrates. Expose Presentation of the doctoral thesis: IGB, Berlin, Germany, 26.05.2016.

Jähnig SC. 2016. Global change effects on river ecosystems. Uni Wien, Österreich, 05.01.2016.

Jähnig SC. 2016. Global change effects on river ecosystems. Boku Wien, Österreich, 14.01.2016.

Jähnig SC. 2016. Global change effects on river ecosystems. Öffentliche Vorstellungsvortrag (gem. §3(3) Habil.ordnung) an der FU Berlin, 02.05.2016.

Jähnig SC. 2016. Die Freshwater Information Platform: Wie Forschungsergebnisse und Daten besser sichtbar und öffentlich zugänglich werden. Die Konferenz der Arten - Deutschlands Vielfalt auf der Spur, Leibniz-Gemeinschaft und Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW), 1.-2.07.2016.

Kiesel J, Pfannerstill M, Kakouei K, Fohrer N, Jähnig SC. 2016. Optimizing the simulation of flow preferences of riverine species. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016 Vienna, Austria, 17–22.04.2016.

Kiesel J, Kakouei K, Taudt S, Goerres M, Irving K, Langhans SD, Fohrer N, Jähnig SC. 2016. Effekte des globalen Wandels auf Fließgewässerökosysteme: Konzept, Modellbildung und erste Ergebnisse des Projektes GLANCE. Umweltkolloquium CAU, Kiel.

Kiesel J, Kakouei K, Irving K, Fohrer N, Jähnig SC. 2016. Auswirkungen des Globalen Wandels auf Fließgewässerökosysteme - Zwischenbericht vom Projekt GLANCE. 12. Hydrologie-Workshop der Abteilung Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft, 28.11.2016.

Kakouei K, Kiesel J, Pusch M, Jähnig SC. 2016. Determination of benthic invertebrate flow traits in Germany's rivers. SFS2016, Sacramento, California, USA, 21.-26.05.2016.

Langhans SD, Jähnig SC. 2016. Where have Europe's free flowing rivers gone? Restoring towards better connectivity. Society for Conservation Biology 4th Oceania Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 06.-08.07.2016.

Gosselin MP, Kiesel J, Fohrer N, Langhans S, Jähnig SC, Venohr M, Push M. 2016. Analysing the effects of pressures on riverine ecosystems using models in the context of ecosystem-based management. 11th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, Melbourne, Australia, 07.-12.02.2016.


Jähnig SC, Tachamo Shah RD, Sharma S, Haase P, Pauls SU. 2015. The climate sensitive zone - a useful concept to monitor climate change impacts in mountain regions, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Limnologischen Gesellschaft (DGL), Essen, 21.09.2015.

Jähnig SC, Poff LN. 2015. Quantifying ecological traits to predict species, community and ecosystem responses to changing environments. SFS Annual Meeting 2015 "OUR FRESHWATER FUTURES", Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, May 17-21, 2015.

Kiesel J, Hering D, Jähnig SC, Schmalz B, Fohrer N. 2015. Linking catchment and in-stream processes for an integrated simulation of freshwater biota. European Geosciences Union 2015 Vienna, Austria, 12. -17.04.2015.

Kiesel J, Schröder M, Hering D, Schmalz B, Hörmann G, Jähnig SC, Fohrer N. 2015. Ein neuer Ansatz für die Modellierung von Makrozoobenthos-Gemeinschaften. Schwoerbel-Benndorf Nachwuchspreis. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Limnologischen Gesellschaft (DGL), Essen, 23.09.2015.

Kiesel J, Kakouei K, Taudt S, Goerres M, Irving K, Langhans S, Fohrer N, Jähnig SC. 2015. Effekte des globalen Wandels auf Fließgewässerökosysteme: Konzept, Feldkampagne, und Modellbildung im Projekt GLANCE. 11. Hydrologie-Workshop der Abteilung Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft, Kiel, 16.11.2015.


Jähnig SC. 2014. Assessing effects of global change on stream benthic invertebrates. Keynote Speech. 9th Conference of the Nordic Benthological Society (NORBS), Oulu, Finland, 08.-11.09.2014.

Kiesel J, et al. 2014. Linking catchment and in-stream processes for an integrated simulation of freshwater biota. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014 Vienna, Österreich, 12.-17.04.2015.

Kiesel J. 2014. Auswirkungen des globalen Wandels auf Fließgewässerökosysteme (GLANCE). LLUR Schleswig-Holstein, Flintbek, 09.09.2014.

Kakouei K. 2014. Expose Presentation of the doctoral thesis: IGB, Berlin, Germany, 16.10.2014.


Master thesis

Mathias Goerres, Universität Kiel, 2016. GIS-based mapping and projection
of the distribution of microhabitats in rivers.

Martin Brosinski, TU Berlin, 2016. Species morphological traits determining the
occurrence of benthic invertebrates along gradients of flow conditions.

Angelika Kurthen, Fu Berlin, 2019. Metacommunity structuring of macroinvertebrates in high mountain streams, Southwest China.

Nariman Mahmoodi, PhD Universität Kiel, Assessing the integrated water resources development potential of Wadi systems in Iran and their vulnerability to climate change. In work.

Tinh Thi Vu, PhD Universität Kiel, Towards an improved understanding of hydrological change, from catchment- to global scale, In work.