short news
Angelina Tittmann

13 PhD positions in urban water research

Start your career in water research! The interdisciplinary research training group Urban Water Interfaces (UWI) currently offers 13 PhD positions, of which five are at IGB.

Sonia Herrero, a UWI PhD student at IGB, is taking water samples in Lake Obersee (Berlin). | Photo: C. Romero

In UWI engineers and scientists conduct research on water cycles at the urban level. The main focus is on natural and technical interfaces. This is where major processes in urban water cycles take place. UWI combines different empirical methods, experiments and models in order to develop model conceptualisations and simulation tools for predictions.

Doctoral students benefit from a strongly interdisciplinary and internationally oriented scientific education programme which prepares them for a growing and increasingly complex job market in industry, water management and academia. The training includes an orientation seminar, core and elective courses, workshops and seminars as well as individual supervision and advise by a board of supervisors. Graduates in Civil, Water or Environmental Engineering, Geosciences, Biology, or a related field are invited to apply. UWI is a joint project of IGB and Technische Universität Berlin (TUB) funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

Detailed project descriptions and requirements for each position can be found at the website of Technische Universität Berlin.

Contact person

Sabine Hilt

Research Group Leader
Research group
Aquatic-Terrestrial Coupling and Regime Shifts
Contact person
Mark Gessner
Sabine Hilt
(Dept. 1) Ecohydrology and Biogeochemistry
(Dept. 2) Community and Ecosystem Ecology
(Dept. 3) Plankton and Microbial Ecology

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