
Dagmar Frisch

Scientific Staff
+49 (0)30 64181 957

Müggelseedamm 301, 12587 Berlin


My research interests focus on the evolutionary adaptation of sentinel species to historic and present day environmental change in aquatic ecosystems. I use ancient DNA isolated from individual propagules buried in aquatic sediments over centuries to study variation in whole nuclear and mitochondrial genomes in relationship to environmental conditions. To link genotypic with phenotypic changes in resurrected and extant isolates related to global change, I apply a multidisciplinary approach that integrates concepts from the fields of environmental genomics, paleoecology, and eco-physiology. Results of my work contribute to the predictive modelling of biodiversity at the levels of the individual, populations and communities.


Scientific Education

Dr. rer. nat.       Biology, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany,  2000

Dipl. Biol.          Biology, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany,  1995


Professional Appointments

since 09/2021   Researcher, IGB Berlin, Germany

since 2019        Lecturer "Applied Bioinformatics and Biostatistics", CQ Beratung + Bildung, Berlin, Germany

since 2018        Associate Editor, Environmental DNA, Wiley

2019                 Guest Researcher, Center for Integrative Biodiversity Discovery, Museum of Natural History, Berlin, Germany

2015 - 2017      EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow, School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham, UK

2010 - 2015      Senior Research Scientist,  University of Oklahoma Biological Station, Kingston,  USA

2007 - 2010      EU Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellow, University of Oklahoma Biological Station, USA and

                         CSIC- Doñana Biological Station, Sevilla, Spain

2004 - 2007      Postdoctoral Associate, Dept. Wetland Ecology, CSIC-Doñana Biological Station, Sevilla, Spain

2003                 Postdoctoral Researcher, Dept. Ecology, Universität Potsdam, Germany

2002 - 2003      Instructor, University of Mississippi, USA

2000- 2002       Postdoctoral Associate, Dept.  Biology, University of Mississippi, Oxford, USA

1999 - 2000      Research Associate, Dept. Biology, Humboldt Universität Berlin, Germany

1997 - 1999      Postgraduate Research Fellow (PhD), Freie Universität Berlin, Germany








Full publication list

O’Grady, C. J., Dhandapani, V., Colbourne, J. K., & Frisch, D. 2021. Refining the evolutionary time machine: An assessment of whole genome amplification using single historical /Daphnia/ eggs. /Molecular Ecology Resources/, 00, 1– 16. open access DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.13524

Frisch D., C. Lejeusne., M. Hayashi, M.T. Bidwell, J. Sánchez-Fontenla, A.J. Green. 2021.  Brine chemistry matters: Isolation by environment and by distance explain population genetic structure of Artemia franciscana in saline lakes. Freshwater Biology 66: 1546-1559.  open access DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13737  (featured cover image: 10.1111/fwb.13555)

Dane M., N.J. Anderson, C. Osburn, J.K. Colbourne, D. Frisch. 2020. Centennial clonal stability of asexual Daphnia in Greenland lakes despite climate variability. Ecology and Evolution 10: 14178-14188. open access DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7012

Ellegaard, M., M.R.J. Clokie, T. Czypionka, D. Frisch, A. Godhe, A. Kremp, A. Letarov, T.J. McGenity, S. Ribeiro, N. J. Anderson. 2020. Dead or alive: sediment DNA archives as tools for aquatic system evolutionary ecology. Communications Biology 3: 169. open access DOI: 10.1038/s42003-020-0899-z

Frisch, D., D. Becker, M. Wojewodzic. 2019. Dissecting the transcriptomic basis of phenotypic evolution in an aquatic keystone grazer.  Molecular Biology and Evolution: msz234. open access DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msz234

Jensen, T., I. Dimante-Deimantovica,  D. Frisch,  D.O. Hessen, B. Walseng et al. 2019. Changes in trophic state and biodiversity in high Arctic ponds in response to increasing goose populations. Freshwater Biology 64:1241-1254. DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13299

Weider L.J., P.D. Jeyasingh, D. Frisch. 2018. Evolutionary aspects of resurrection ecology: Progress, scope, and applications—An overview. Evolutionary Applications 11:3–10.  open access  DOI: 10.1111/eva.12563

Burge D.R.L., M.B. Edlund, D. Frisch. 2018. Paleolimnology and resurrection ecology: The future of reconstructing the past. Evolutionary Applications 11:42–59. open access DOI: 10.1111/eva.12556

Badosa, A., D. Frisch, A. Gómez, A. Green, C. Rico. 2017. Isolation mediates persistent founder effects on zooplankton colonisation in new temporary ponds. Scientific Reports 7: 43983. open access DOI: 10.1038/srep43983

Frisch, D., P. Morton, B. Culver, M. E. Edlund, P. Jeyasingh, L.J. Weider. 2017. Paleogenetic records of Daphnia pulicaria in two North American lakes reveal the impact of cultural eutrophication. Global Change Biology 23: 708-718. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13445

Jeyasingh, P., P. Roy Chowdhury, M. Wojewodzic, D. Frisch, D Hessen, L.J. Weider. 2015. Phosphorus use, and excretion varies with ploidy level in Daphnia.  Journal of Plankton Research 37: fbv09.5. open access DOI: 10.1093/plankt/fbv095

Roy Chowdhury, P., D. Frisch, L.J. Weider, A. Ragavendran, J. Lopez, J. K. Colbourne, P.D. Jeyasingh. 2015. Differential transcriptomic responses of ancient and modern Daphnia to changes in phosphorus supply. Molecular Ecology 24: 123-135. DOI: 10.1111/mec.13009

Morton, P., D. Frisch, P.D. Jeyasingh, L.J. Weider. 2015.  Out with the old, in with the new? Younger Daphnia clones are competitively superior over centuries-old ancestors.  Hydrobiologia  749: 43-52. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-014-2145-5

Frisch, D., P. Morton,  P. Roy Chowdhury, B. Culver, P. Jeyasingh, L.J. Weider. 2014.  A millennial-scale chronicle of evolutionary responses to cultural eutrophication in DaphniaEcology Letters 17: 360–368. DOI: 10.1111/ele.12237

♦ Featured in the New York Times by Carl Zimmer (http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/09/science/a-living-time-capsule-shows-the-human-mark-on-evolution.html?_r=1), and in various online outlets, including BBC Mundo and Business Insider 

Green, A.J., D. Frisch, T.C. Michot, L.K. Allain, W.C. Barrow. 2013. Endozoochory of seeds and invertebrates by migratory waterbirds in Oklahoma, USA. Limnetica 32: 39-46.

Frisch, D., J. Havel, L.J. Weider. 2013. The invasion history of the exotic freshwater zooplankter Daphnia lumholtzi (Cladocera, Crustacea) in North America –  a genetic analysis.  Biological Invasions 15: 817–828. DOI: 10.1007/s10530-012-0329-3

Frisch, D., K. Cottenie, A. Badosa,  A.J. Green. 2012. Strong spatial influence on colonization rates in a pioneer zooplankton metacommunity. PLoS One 7: e40205. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0040205

Bron, J., D. Frisch, E. Goetze, S. Johnson, C.E. Lee , G. Wyngaard. 2011. Observing Copepods through a Genomic Lens. Frontiers in Zoology  8:22. DOI: 10.1186/1742-9994-8-22

Badosa, A., D. Frisch, A. Arechederra, L. Serrano, A.J. Green. 2010. Recovery of zooplankton diversity in a restored Mediterranean temporary marsh in Doñana National Park (SW Spain). Hydrobiologia 654: 67-82. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-010-0370-0

Korn, M., A.J. Green, M. Machado, J.G. de Lomas Latín, M. Cristo, L. Cancela da Fonseca, D. Frisch, J.L. Pérez-Bote, A. Hundsdoerfer. 2010. Phylogeny, molecular ecology and taxonomy of Southern Iberian lineages of Triops mauritanicus (Crustacea, Notostraca). Organisms Diversity & Evolution 10: 409-440. DOI: 10.1007/s13127-010-0026-y

Frisch, D., and Weider, L.J. 2010. Seasonal shifts in genotype frequencies in the invasive cladoceran Daphnia lumholtzi in Lake Texoma, USA. Freshwater Biology  5: 1327 - 1336. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2009.02356.x

Weider, L.J., D. Frisch, P.D.N. Hebert. 2010. Long-term changes in the metapopulation genetic structure of Daphnia pulex: a quarter-century retrospective study on low-Arctic rock pool Daphnia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B  277: 139 - 146. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2009.1326

Frisch, D., A. Arechederra, A. Green. 2009. Recolonisation potential of zooplankton propagule banks in natural and agriculturally modified sections of a semiarid temporary stream (Doñana, Southwest Spain). Hydrobiologia 624, 115 - 123. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-008-9672-x

Frisch, D., A. J. Green, J. Figuerola. 2007. High dispersal capacity of a broad spectrum of aquatic invertebrates via waterbirds. Aquatic Sciences - Research across boundaries 69: 568-574. DOI: 10.1007/s00027-007-0915-0

Frisch, D., A. J. Green. 2007. Copepods come in first: rapid colonization of newly built temporary ponds. Fundamental and Applied Limnology Archiv für Hydrobiologie 168(4): 289-297.  DOI: 10.1127/1863-9135/2007/0168-0289

Frisch, D., E. Moreno, A.J. Green. 2006. Species richness and distribution of copepods and cladocerans and their relation to hydroperiod and other environmental variables in Doñana, south-west Spain. Hydrobiologia: 556, 327-340. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-005-1305-z

Frisch, D., H. Rodriguez-Perez, A.J. Green. 2006. Invasion of artificial ponds in Doñana Natural Park, south-west Spain, by an exotic marine copepod. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 16:483–492. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.718

Frisch, D., A.Wohltmann. 2005. The bag-sampler: a simple device for collecting zooplankton in shallow vegetated ponds. International Review of Hydrobiology 90: 596-602. DOI: 10.1002/iroh.200510825

Frisch, D., S.T.Threlkeld. 2005. Flood-mediated dispersal vs. hatching: a study on early colonisation strategies of copepods in floodplain ponds. Freshwater Biology: 50, 323-330. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2004.01321.x

Frisch, D., B.S. Libman, S.J. D’Surney, S.T.Threlkeld. 2005. Diversity of floodplain copepods (Crustacea) modified by flooding: species richness, life‑cycle strategies and population genetics. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 162, 1-17. DOI: 10.1127/0003-9136/2005/0162-0001

Frisch, D. , B. Santer. 2004. Temperature-induced responses of a permanent-pond and a temporary-pond cyclopoid copepod: a link to habitat predictability? Evolutionary Ecology Research 6:541-553.

Frisch, D. 2002. Dormancy, dispersal and the survival of cyclopoid copepods (Cyclopoida, Copepoda) in a lowland floodplain. Freshwater Biology 47: 1269-1281. DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2427.2002.00865.x

Frisch, D. 2001. Life cycles of the two freshwater copepods Cyclops strenuus Fischer and Cyclops insignis Claus (Cyclopoida, Copepoda) in an amphibious floodplain habitat. Hydrobiologia 453/454: 285-291. DOI: 10.1023/A:1013109226765

Frisch, D. 1999. Artengemeinschaften cyclopoider Copepoden in permanenten und temporären Restgewässern im Unteren Odertal. In: Das Untere Odertal. Limnologie aktuell, Band 9. Editors: Dohle, W., Bornkamm, R., Weigmann, G. . Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart: 303-316. English summary.


Book chapters and other publications

Frisch, D., G.A. Wyngaard. Introductory chapter "Life history of copepods". In: Traité de Zoologie - Copepodes (in English). Editors: van Vaupel-Klein et al. Accepted.

Wyngaard, G.A., Frisch, D. Introductory chapter "Copepod Genetics". In: Traité de Zoologie - Copepodes (in English). Editors: van Vaupel-Klein  et al. Accepted.

Bron, J., D. Frisch, E. Goetze, S. Johnson, C.E. Lee, G. Wyngaard. 2009. White Paper for the Development of Large-Scale Genomics Resources for Copepods. A report prepared by the participants of the Copepod Genomics Workshop, held in Pattaya, Thailand, July 2008, funded by NSF DEB 0820866 and World Association of Copepodologists.

Frisch, D. 2008. The ecological genetics of the water flea Daphnia lumholtzi, an invasive zooplankton species in Lake Texoma. Newsletter of the Friends of the Biological Station of Oklahoma.

Dohle, W., D. Frisch, J. Kasten,  T. Schröder. 2006. Das Plankton in den Auengewässern des Unteren Odertales. In: Nationalpark-Jahrbuch Unteres Odertal 2005. Editor: A. Vössing. Nationalparkstiftung Unteres Odertal.

Green, A.J., H. Rodríguez-Pérez,  D. Frisch. 2006. Especies exóticas de invertebrados acuáticos en Veta la Palma y en las salinas andaluzas. In: Especies exóticas de Andalucía (ed. Junta de Andalucía)

Frisch, D. 2000. Lebenszyklus- und Besiedlungsstrategien cyclopoider Copepoden (Cyclopoida, Copepoda) im amphibischen Lebensraum einer Tieflandflußaue (Unteres Odertal, Brandenburg). PhD thesis, Freie Universität, Berlin,

Frisch, D. 1995. Artengemeinschaften und Abundanzdynamik cyclopoider Copepoden im Gewässersystem einer Tieflandlußaue während und nach dem Frühjahrshochwasser (Unteres Odertal, Brandenburg). Diploma thesis, Freie Universität, Berlin, 103 pp.


DFG  Research Project - Living time capsules: tracing evolutionary adaptation in a changing world https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/461099895?language=en