Max Wolf
Müggelseedamm 310, 12587 Berlin
Behaviour, Behavioural Development, Individuality, Evolution, Theory
2011- Group Leader, IGB
2009-10 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin
2009 Ph.D. in Theoretical Biology, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
2003-05 Studies in Biology, University of Heidelberg
2002 Diploma in Economics (Diplom Volkswirt), University of Mannheim
2000-01 Studies in Economics, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Christopher Barnard Award 2014 for “Outstanding Contributions by a New Investigator” (Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour)
Reinhart Heinrich Doctoral Thesis Award for “the best doctoral thesis in the area of Mathematical and Theoretical Biology 2009” (European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology)
“Cum laude” distinction for doctoral dissertation 2009: highest possible distinction that is given to a dissertation in the Netherlands, indicating that it is considered to belong to the top 5% of all doctoral dissertations
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