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  • Topic:Freshwater ecosystems
April 2024
Hydrological Processes. - 38(2024)4, Art. e15126

Assessing impacts of alternative land use strategies on water partitioning, storage and ages in drought-sensitive lowlandcatchments using tracer-aided ecohydrological modelling

Shuxin Luo; Doerthe Tetzlaff; Aaron Smith; Chris Soulsby

The authors used advanced process-based ecohydrological modelling to assess the effects of realistic land use scenarios for the Berlin/Brandenburg region on water flux and storage dynamics. Replacing conifer forests with uneven-aged mixed forests with younger, broad-leaved trees had the greatest potential for reducing evapotranspiration and increasing groundwater recharge

February 2024
WIREs Water. - X(2024)X, Art. e1717

Reviving Europe's rivers: Seven challenges in the implementation of the Nature Restoration Law to restore free-flowing rivers

Twan Stoffers; Florian Altermatt; Damiano Baldan; Olena Bilous; Florian Borgwardt; Anthonie D. Buijse; Elisabeth Bondar-Kunze; Nuria Cid; Tibor Erős; Maria Teresa Ferreira; Andrea Funk; Gertrud Haidvogl; Severin Hohensinner; Johannes Kowal; Leopold A. J. Nagelkerke; Jakob Neuburg; Tianna Peller; Stefan Schmutz; Gabriel A. Singer; Günther Unfer; Simon Vitecek; Sonja C. Jähnig; Thomas Hein

The authors identified potential challenges and ambiguities in the EU-NRL for restoring free-flowing rivers. They propose clear definitions of critical terms and the development of integrated assessment methods for prioritising actions to improve river connectivity as novel solutions to these challenges, contributing to the success of habitat restoration and biodiversity protection.

January 2024
Journal of Applied Ecology. - XX(2024)XX, XX-XX

Perspectives in modelling ecological interaction networks for sustainable ecosystem management

Pierre Quévreux; Ulrich Brose; Núria Galiana; Anton Potapov; Élisa Thébault; Morgane Travers-Trolet; Sabine Wollrab; Franck Jabot

The study provides perspectives on the use of network models to address a variety of applied ecological questions along spatial and temporal dimensions as well as on interactions between abiotic and biotic components of ecosystems. Through collaborative research, network models could provide important levers for sustainable management. 

January 2024
Water Research. - 250(2024), Art. 121065

Environmental DNA, hydrochemistry and stable water isotopes as integrative tracers of urban ecohydrology

Maria Magdalena Warter; Dörthe Tetzlaff; Ann-Marie Ring; Jan Christopher; Hanna L. Kissener; Elisabeth Funke; Sarah Sparmann; Susan Mbedi; Chris Soulsby; Michael T. Monaghan

The authors investigated the variability of planktonic bacteria and benthic diatoms coupled with insights from hydrochemistry and stable water isotopes across four urban streams in Berlin. DNA metabarcoding results shows substantial spatio-temporal variability across urban streams in terms of microbial diversity and richness, with clear links to abiotic factors and nutrient concentrations.

November 2023
Global Change Biology. - 30(2024)1, e17013

Lake browning counteracts cyanobacteria responses to nutrients: Evidence from phytoplankton dynamics in large enclosure experiments and comprehensive observational data

Anne Lyche Solheim; Hege Gundersen; Ute Mischke; Birger Skjelbred; Jens C. Nejstgaard; Alexis L. N. Guislain; Erik Sperfeld; Darren P. Giling; Sigrid Haande; Andreas Ballot; S. Jannicke Moe; Susanne Stephan; Tim J. W. Walles; Andreas Jechow; Laetitia Minguez; Lars Ganzert; Thomas Hornick; Truls Hveem Hansson; Cleo N. Stratmann; Marko Järvinen; Stina Drakare; Laurence Carvalho; Hans-Peter Grossart; Mark O. Gessner; Stella A. Berger

This study combines experiments in large enclosures with a comprehensive time series and a field survey to assess the joint effects of storm-induced lake browning, nutrient enrichment and deep-mixing on phytoplankton.Browning decreases nutrient enrichment effects on phytoplankton, including shifts in the species composition from cyanobacteria and chlorophytes to mixotrophic cryptophytes. 

July 2023
Scientific Data. - 10(2023) Art. 494

Flow dynamics in rivers with riffle-pool morphology: a dataset from case studies and field experiments

Oleksandra O. Shumilova; Alexander N. Sukhodolov

Riffle-pool sequences provide vital ecological services to aquatic organisms and are considered fundamental habitats in fluvial ecosystems. Little is known about riffle-pool hydrodynamics. The study presents a dataset on turbulent flow structure in riffle-pool sequences of a natural river,  the Tagliamento River in Italy.

June 2023
Diversity and Distributions. - XX(2023)XX, XX

The European freshwater landscape and hotspot areas of mass effects and regional connectivity

David Cunillera-Montcusí; Jordi Bou; Thomas Mehner; Sandra Brucet; Matías Arim; Ana I. Borthagaray

The authors detected great concentrations of source hotspots on the northern regions associated to lentic ecosystems, main European rivers acting as ecological corridors for all freshwaters, and a mixed distribution of connectivity hotspots in southern and Mediterranean ecoregions.

June 2023
Journal of Environmental Management. - 342(2023), Art. 118298

Socio-economic or environmental benefits from pondscapes? Deriving stakeholder preferences using analytic hierarchy process and compositional data analysis

Hoang-Tien Vo; Maria Vrachioli; Fabian Frick; Johannes Sauer; Sandra Brucet Balmana; Lluís Benejam Vidal; Thomas Mehner; Pieter Lemmens; Beat Oertli; Aurelie Boissezon; Meryem Beklioglu; Antoine Dolcerocca; Mariana Meerhoff

The authors studied the needs and knowledge of stakeholders who own, work, research, or benefit from pondscapes in 8 countries. Using the analytic hierarchy process, this study shows that in general stakeholders in the European and Turkish demo-sites prefer environmental benefits, while stakeholders in the Uruguayan demo-sites rank the economic benefits higher.

November 2022
Global Biogeochemical Cycles. - 36(2022)3

Global patterns and controls of nutrient immobilization on decomposing cellulose in riverine ecosystems

David M. Costello ; Scott D. Tiegs ; Luz Boyero ; Cristina Canhoto ; Krista A. Capps ; Michael Danger ; Paul C. Frost ; Mark O. Gessner ; Natalie A. Griffiths ; Halvor M. Halvorson ; Kevin A. Kuehn ; Amy M. Marcarelli ; Todd V. Royer ; Devan M. Mathie ; Ricardo J. Albariño ; Clay P. Arango ; Jukka Aroviita ; Colden V. Baxter ; Brent J. Bellinger ; Andreas Bruder ; Francis J. Burdon ; Marcos Callisto ; Antonio Camacho ; Fanny Colas ; Julien Cornut ; Verónica Crespo-Pérez ; Wyatt F. Cross ; Alison M. Derry ; Michael M. Douglas ; Arturo Elosegi ; Elvira de Eyto ; Verónica Ferreira ; Carmen Ferriol ; Tadeusz Fleituch ; Jennifer J. Follstad Shah ; André Frainer ; Erica A. Garcia ; Liliana García ; Pavel E. García ; Darren P. Giling ; R. Karina Gonzales-Pomar ; Manuel A.S. Graça ; Hans-Peter Grossart ; François Guérold ; Luiz U. Hepp ; Scott N. Higgins ; Takuo Hishi ; Carlos Iñiguez-Armijos ; Tomoya Iwata ; Andrea E. Kirkwood ; Aaron A. Koning ; Sarian Kosten ; Hjalmar Laudon ; Peter R. Leavitt ; Aurea L. Lemes da Silva ; Shawn J. Leroux ; Carri J. LeRoy ; Peter J. Lisi ; Frank O. Masese ; Peter B. McIntyre ; Brendan G. McKie ; Adriana O. Medeiros ; Marko Miliša ; Yo Miyake ; Robert J. Mooney ; Timo Muotka ; Jorge Nimptsch ; Riku Paavola ; Isabel Pardo ; Ivan Y. Parnikoza ; Christopher J. Patrick ; Edwin T.H.M. Peeters ; Jesus Pozo ; Brian Reid ; John S. Richardson ; José Rincón ; Geta Risnoveanu ; Christopher T. Robinson ; Anna C. Santamans ; Gelas M. Simiyu ; Agnija Skuja ; Jerzy Smykla ; Ryan A. Sponseller ; Franco Teixeira-de Mello ; Sirje Vilbaste ; Verónica D. Villanueva ; Jackson R. Webster ; Stefan Woelfl ; Marguerite A. Xenopoulos ; Adam G. Yates ; Catherine M. Yule ; Yixin Zhang ; Jacob A. Zwart

The research team used a standardized, low-nutrient organic matter substrate (cotton strips) to quantify nutrient immobilization at 100 paired stream and riparian sites representing 11 biomes worldwide. Immobilization rates varied by three orders of magnitude, were greater in rivers than riparian zones, and were strongly correlated to decomposition rates. 

November 2022
Limnology and Oceanography Letters. - 8(2023)2, S. 247-266

Environmental variability in aquatic ecosystems: avenues for future multifactorial experiments

Miriam Gerhard ... Stella A. Berger ... Jens C. Nejstgaard ...

Variability is inherent to all natural ecosystems, yet the consequences of alterations to existing variability patterns in environmental factors expected under global change scenarios remain unclear. The authors identified sources of mismatches, challenges, and knowledge gaps to contribute to a research agenda on the effects of variability in aquatic systems. T