(Dept. 1) Ecohydrology and Biogeochemistry

The interactions within and between green water (in terrestrial systems) and blue water (lakes, rivers, and subsurface aquifers) affect in complex ways the habitats for organisms and the reactive transport of abiotic components. Aquatic and terrestrial systems are coupled at multiple spatio-temporal scales. The overall goal of the Department of Ecohydrology and Biogeochemistry is to understand the ecohydrological and biogeochemical processes of these connected land- and waterscapes in natural, rural and urban environments. Therefore, our research projects focus on the following core topics:
- Interactions of landscape-freshwater ecosystems
- Physical and biogeochemical drivers under global change
- Water security in disturbed and urban systems
In our research, we integrate different modelling approaches with data collected in field studies, in large-scale manipulation studies, by long-term monitoring and in laboratory experiments. We study ecohydrological and biogeochemical processes using a variety of tracer techniques, particularly stable isotopes, and by measuring naturally dissolved solutes, conservative geogenic ions, trace organic matter, and nutrients. In doing so, we combine basic research with application aspects and aim to record and model the effects of climate and land use changes. With its laboratory infrastructure and expertise in the fields of inorganic and organic analysis as well as isotope measurement, the department performs a central function for the entire institute. To achieve our research goal, we combine our professional expertise from the research disciplines of hydrology, geochemistry, aquatic physics, ecology, environmental engineering, and geography.

Landscape Ecohydrology, Research group of Dörthe Tetzlaff, Graphic: Dörthe Tetzlaff / IGB

Ground Water-Surface Water Interactions, Research group of Jörg Lewandowski, Graphic: Jörg Lewandowski / IGB

Physical Limnology, Research group of Georgiy Kirillin, Graphic: Georgiy Kirillin / IGB

Organic Contaminants, Research group of Stephanie Spahr, Graphic: Stephanie Spahr / IGB

Ecohydraulics, Research group of Alexander Sukhodolov, Graphic: Alexander Sukhodolov / IGB

Nutrient Cycles and Chemical Analytics, Research group of Tobias Goldhammer, Graphic: Tobias Goldhammer / IGB

River System Modelling, Research group of Markus Venohr, Graphic: Markus Venohr / IGB

Biogeochemical Processes in Sediments and Lake Management, Research group of Michael Hupfer, Graphic: Michael Hupfer / IGB
Research groups
Department members
Selected publications
Hydrological connectivity and biogeochemical dynamics in the function and management of the lower Oder floodplain
The authors investigated the role of hydrological connectivity dynamics on biogeochemistry in the Oder river-floodplain system through a multi-proxy approach to quantify water sources and ages, evaporation losses, water quality, surface water connectivity via remote sensing and sub-surface connectivity via geophysical surveys. This is important to sustain vulnerable wetlands.
Revising Common Approaches for Calibration: Insights From a 1-D Tracer-Aided Hydrological Model With High-Dimensional Parameters and Objectives
Dimensionality of parameters and objectives has been increasing due to the accelerating development of models and monitoring networks resulting in major challenges for model calibration. The study highlights limitations of high-dimensional calibration approaches, the role of data uncertainty and deficiencies in model structure of process-based ecohydrological models.
Demystifying the art of isotope-enabled hydrological and climate modelling
Stable water isotopes are well known tracers of the hydrological cycle producing critical climate science but they are not explicitly included in influential climate reports except for paleoclimate reconstructions. The authors argue that it is time to incorporate isotopes and isotope-enabled modelling into mainstream hydroclimatic forecasting to improve climate change predictions and evidence.
A Holistic Catchment-Scale Framework to Guide Flood and Drought Mitigation Towards Improved Biodiversity Conservation and Human Wellbeing
The authors suggest to combine conventional civil engineering methods, nature-based solutions, and biodiversity conservation actions at catchment-scale to leverage flood and drought mitigation and cater to improved biodiversity conservation and human wellbeing. We outline the needs in terms of legislation structure, adequate funding and governance structures to make this happen.
Hydrological connectivity drives intra- and inter-annual variation in water quality in an intermittent stream network in a mixed land use catchment under drought
The study investigated spatio-temporal variation of hydrological connectivity and linked water quality in an intermittent mixed land use, lowland catchment in NE Germany. In recent years streamflow became more intermittent with major implications for water quality. Spatial variation of water quality is related to soils and landuse. An extensive wetland area acted as a major ecohydrological buffer.