Sectoral Assessment of Fish Mortality at Hydropower Plants
Short profile

Hydropower plant Las Rives, River Ariège (France). In the centre the 26° inclined vertical fine screen with 20 mm bar space and three surface bypass openings to allow downstream migration of fish, in particular of Atlantic salmon smolts. Photo: Christian Wolter
The project comprises six work packages (WP). WP 1: Compiling the Mortality Hazard Index for all native freshwater fish species and lampreys according to the methodology by Bernotat & Dierschke (2016). WP 2: Assessing the species-specific mortality risk for all native freshwater fishes and lampreys at hydropower plants. WP 3: Reviewing the different project and site specific parameters influencing the constellation-specific risk at the level of single hydropower facilities. WP 4: Reviewing and assessing the different measures and technologies for mitigating mortality and barrier effects including best practice examples. WP 5: Developing specific methodological advice for the assessment of barrier effects and mortality at hydropower plants according to the legal requirements of the Habitats Directive, species conservation laws, the water resources law, and of the Water Framework Directive. WP 6: Applying the assessment system to a number of test cases with varying constellation-specific risks.
Das Vorhaben wurde vom Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN) mit Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (BMU) gefördert.