Aquatic ecosystems are intrinsically complex because they have a network structure and nonlinear processes often take place at various spatial and temporal scales. Nonlinear reactions can occur, for example, as a result of perturbations that trigger a so-called regime shift, such as prolonged drought. Important determinants of complex aquatic ecosystems are the landscape structure in which the water bodies are located and the connectivity, i.e. the interconnection of the water bodies at different levels: These include the flows of water, energy, information, nutrients and pollutants, and the dispersal of organisms. These processes determine the structure and dynamics of ecosystems and are changed over time by external factors such as land use and climate change.
In the programme area “Dimensions of complexity of aquatic systems”, IGB aims to gain a better understanding of the dynamics and functioning of aquatic systems and the living organisms within them. Its overall goal is to enhance our mechanistic understanding on how freshwater ecosystems function and to study their spatial and temporal scaling. An important focus is on the interfaces and interactions between terrestrial and aquatic habitats, between sediment and the water column, between water and air, and between and within organisms.
Selected publications
Revising Common Approaches for Calibration: Insights From a 1-D Tracer-Aided Hydrological Model With High-Dimensional Parameters and Objectives
Dimensionality of parameters and objectives has been increasing due to the accelerating development of models and monitoring networks resulting in major challenges for model calibration. The study highlights limitations of high-dimensional calibration approaches, the role of data uncertainty and deficiencies in model structure of process-based ecohydrological models.
Demystifying the art of isotope-enabled hydrological and climate modelling
Stable water isotopes are well known tracers of the hydrological cycle producing critical climate science but they are not explicitly included in influential climate reports except for paleoclimate reconstructions. The authors argue that it is time to incorporate isotopes and isotope-enabled modelling into mainstream hydroclimatic forecasting to improve climate change predictions and evidence.
A desiccating saline lake bed is a significant source of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions
Desiccating salt lakes are an underappreciated source of greenhouse gases that could become even more relevant as a result of climate change. This study, examining greenhouse gas emissions from the drying lake bed of Great Salt Lake, Utah, calculates that 4.1 million tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases were released in 2020.
Hydrological connectivity drives intra- and inter-annual variation in water quality in an intermittent stream network in a mixed land use catchment under drought
The study investigated spatio-temporal variation of hydrological connectivity and linked water quality in an intermittent mixed land use, lowland catchment in NE Germany. In recent years streamflow became more intermittent with major implications for water quality. Spatial variation of water quality is related to soils and landuse. An extensive wetland area acted as a major ecohydrological buffer.
Attributing Urban Evapotranspiration From Eddy‐Covariance to Surface Cover: Bottom‐Up Versus Top‐Down
Evapotranspiration (ET) is an important process in the water cycle that can help reduce heat stress in cities. However, it is dependent on surface cover. The study provides insights that can inform urban planning and water management decisions, including improving the living environment of city dwellers.