Aquatic Ecogeography

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Research Focus
The Research group of Aquatic Ecogeography lab investigates how global change impacts freshwater (particularly river) ecosystems. We combine hydrology, community ecology, conservation biology, ecological & habitat modelling, and biogeography approaches. We study groups of organisms from 5mm benthic macro-invertebrates, to fishes, to 30kg+ freshwater megafauna and the scope of our analyses range from river reaches, catchments, to continental networks, to global scale impacts.
Our research has three main components:
1. Integrated modeling approaches in river ecosystems, particularly interested in global change effects
2. Diversity patterns and conservation status of freshwater species at large scales, and potential interactions with human activities
3. Community ecology and trait-based research spanning multiple biological and spatial scales
Doctoral researchers / Postdocs / Guests
- Prof. Dr. Leo Nagelkerke
- Prof. Dr. Fengzhi He
- Dr. Xiang Liu
- Dr. Kangle Lu
- Dr. Nike Sommerwerk
- Dr. Andrea Buffagni
- Dr. Flavia Tromboni
- Dr. Martin Friedrichs-Manthey
- Dr. Iain Phillips
- Dr. Alain Maasri
- Dr. Kathrine Irving
- Dr. Simone Langhans
- Dr. Karan Kakouei
- Dr. Sami Domisch
- Dr. Gregor Kalinkat
MSc/BSc thesis/Interns
- Daria Gundermann
- Rafael Rössl
- Laurynas Stasiukynas
- Vassil Altanov
- Lisa Heinrich
- Eleni Chatziliadou
- Chente Ortiz
- Angelika Losey-Kurthen
- Martin Koering
- Roland Wanke
- Martin Brosinski
- Mathias Goerres
Student assistants
- Roxana Stephan
- Melissa Schulte
- Oliver Peters