Christine Kiel
Zur alten Fischerhütte 2
16775 Stechlin OT Neuglobsow
Karen Grace V. Bondoc*, Christine Lembke*, Stefan N. Lang, Sebastian Germerodt, Stefan Schuster, Wim Vyverman, Georg Pohnert (2019). Decision-making of the benthic diatom Seminavis robusta for inorganic nutrients and pheromones, The ISME Journal, 13, 537–546, doi: 0.1038/s41396-018-0299-2
Karen Grace V. Bondoc*, Christine Lembke*, Wim Vyverman, Georg Pohnert (2018). Selective chemoattraction of the benthic diatom Seminavis robusta to phosphate but not to inorganic nitrogen sources contributes to biofilm structuring, MicrobiologyOpen, e694, doi: 10.1002/mbo3.694
Christine Lembke, Daniel Stettin, Franziska Speck, Nico Ueberschaar, Sam De Decker, Wim Vyverman, Georg Pohnert (2018). Attraction pheromone of the benthic diatom Seminavis robusta: Studies on Structure-Activity Relationships, Journal of Chemical Ecology. 44 (4), 354-363, doi: 10.1007/s10886-018-0944-2.
Sara Moeys*, Johannes Frenkel*, Christine Lembke*, Jeroen T. F. Gillard, Valerie Devos, Koen Van den Berge, Barbara Bouillon, Marie J. J. Huysman, Sam De Decker, Julia Scharf, Atle Bones, Tore Brembu, Per Winge, Koen Sabbe, Marnik Vuylsteke, Lieven Clement, Lieven De Veylder, Georg Pohnert, Wim Vyverman (2016). A sex-inducing pheromone triggers cell cycle arrest and mate attraction in the diatom Seminavis robusta, Scientific Reports 6, 19252; doi: 10.1038/srep19252.
Karen Grace V. Bondoc, Christine Lembke, Wim Vyverman, Georg Pohnert (2016). Searching for a mate: Pheromone directed movement of the benthic diatom Seminavis robusta, Microbial Ecology 72 (2), 287-294, doi: 10.1007/s00248-016-0796-7.
Stefanie Wolfram, Hendryk Würfel, Stefanie H. Habenicht, Christine Lembke, Phillipp Richter, Eckhardt Birckner, Rainer Beckert, Georg Pohnert (2014). A small azide-modified thiazole-based reporter molecule for fluorescence and mass spectrometric detection, Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry 10, 2470-2479, doi: 10.3762/bjoc.10.258.
* equal contributions