
Jens Kiesel

+49 (0)179 213 8668

Justus-von-Liebig-Str. 7, 12489 Berlin


Hydrologische und and hydraulische Modellierung,
Habitat Modellierung,
Sediment Transport,
GIS Anwendungen und Python Programmierung,
Integriertes Wasserressourcen Management


Beruflicher Werdegang

seit 2014
Wissenschaftler (Teilzeit), IGB Berlin

seit 2008
Freiberufliche Arbeit mit HYDROC Consult

2006–2007 und 2013-2014
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Teilzeit), CAU Kiel

Studentische Hilfskraft, TU Darmstadt


Doktorarbeit, CAU Kiel

Diplomstudium Bauingenieurwesen TU Darmstadt, Addis Abeba University (Äthiopien), University of New South Wales (Australien)




September 2023
Peter Haase; Diana E. Bowler; Nathan J. Baker; Núria Bonada; Sami Domisch; Jaime R. Garcia Marquez; Jani Heino; Daniel Hering; Sonja C. Jähnig; Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber; Rachel Stubbington; Florian Altermatt; Mario Álvarez-Cabria; Giuseppe Amatulli; David G. Angeler; Gaït Archambaud-Suard; Iñaki Arrate Jorrín; Thomas Aspin; Iker Azpiroz; Iñaki Bañares; José Barquín Ortiz; Christian L. Bodin; Luca Bonacina; Roberta Bottarin; Miguel Cañedo-Argüelles; Zoltán Csabai; Thibault Datry; Elvira de Eyto; Alain Dohet; Gerald Dörflinger; Emma Drohan; Knut A. Eikland; Judy England; Tor E. Eriksen; Vesela Evtimova; Maria J. Feio; Martial Ferréol; Mathieu Floury; Maxence Forcellini; Marie Anne Eurie Forio; Riccardo Fornaroli; Nikolai Friberg; Jean-François Fruget; Galia Georgieva; Peter Goethals; Manuel A. S. Graça; Wolfram Graf; Andy House; Kaisa-Leena Huttunen; Thomas C. Jensen; Richard K. Johnson; J. Iwan Jones; Jens Kiesel; Lenka Kuglerová; Aitor Larrañaga; Patrick Leitner; Lionel L’Hoste; Marie-Helène Lizée; Armin W. Lorenz; Anthony Maire; Jesús Alberto Manzanos Arnaiz; Brendan G. McKie; Andrés Millán; Don Monteith; Timo Muotka; John F. Murphy; Davis Ozolins; Riku Paavola; Petr Paril; Francisco J. Peñas; Francesca Pilotto; Marek Polášek; Jes Jessen Rasmussen; Manu Rubio; David Sánchez-Fernández; Leonard Sandin; Ralf B. Schäfer; Alberto Scotti; Longzhu Q. Shen; Agnija Skuja; Stefan Stoll; Michal Straka; Henn Timm; Violeta G. Tyufekchieva; Iakovos Tziortzis; Yordan Uzunov; Gea H. van der Lee; Rudy Vannevel; Emilia Varadinova; Gábor Várbíró; Gaute Velle; Piet F. M. Verdonschot; Ralf C. M. Verdonschot; Yanka Vidinova; Peter Wiberg-Larsen; Ellen A. R. Welti



Februar 2021
Sonja C. Jähnig; Viktor Baranov; Florian Altermatt; Peter Cranston; Martin Friedrichs‐Manthey; Juergen Geist; Fengzhi He; Jani Heino; Daniel Hering; Franz Hölker; Jonas Jourdan; Gregor Kalinkat; Jens Kiesel; Florian Leese; Alain Maasri; Michael T. Monaghan; Ralf B. Schäfer; Klement Tockner; Jonathan D. Tonkin; Sami Domisch



Juli 2019
Günter Blöschl; Marc F. P. Bierkens; Antonio Chambel; Christophe Cudennec; Georgia Destouni; Aldo Fiori; James W. Kirchner; Jeffrey J. McDonnell; Hubert H. G. Savenije; Murugesu Sivapalan; Christine Stumpp; Elena Toth; Elena Volpi; Gemma Carr; Claire Lupton; Josè Salinas; Borbála Széles; Alberto Viglione; Hafzullah Aksoy; Scott T. Allen; Anam Amin ... Sina Khatami; Jens Kiesel; Mike Kirkby ... Yongqiang Zhang


Januar 2019
Jens Kiesel; Yvonne Conrad; Hasmik Marciniak; Artyom Sheludkov; Katya Abramenko; Matthias Conrad; Nikolai Tretyakov; Tatyana Veshkurseva; Vitaliy Khoroshavin; Andrei Tolstikov; Britta Schmalz; Nicola Fohrer

Water quality in Siberian lowland catchments - measurement campaigns and assessment

Novel methods and results of landscape research in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia : monograph in 5 volumes. Vol. II: Understanding and monitoring processes in soils and water bodies = Izycenie i monitoring processov v pocvach i vodnych ob"ektax / glavn. red.: Viktor G. Sycev i Lotar Mjuller. - Moskva, 2018. - T. II, ch. II/94, S. 438-442
Dezember 2018
Jens Kiesel; Daniel Hering; Maria Ceylan; Mathias Kuemmerlen; Sonja Jähnig; Britta Schmalz; Nicola Fohrer

Modelling freshwater habitats and their macroinvertebrate communities

Novel methods and results of landscape research in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia : monograph in 5 volumes. Vol. III: Landscape monitoring and modelling = Novye metody i rezul'taty issledovanij landsaftov v Evrope, Central'noj Azii i Sibiri / glavn. red.: Viktor G. Sycev i Lotar Mjuller. - Moskva, 2018. - T. III, ch. III/63, S. 301-306



Alle Publikationen (peer-reviewed)

Berger C, Kiesel J. accepted. Conceptual Model of Salinity Intrusion by Tidal Trapping. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering.

Vu T, Kiesel J, Guse B, Fohrer N. accepted. Towards an improved understanding of hydrological change - Linking hydrologic metrics and multiple change point tests. Journal of Water and Climate Change.

Guse B, Pfannerstill M, Kiesel J, Strauch M, Volk M, Fohrer N. 2019. Analysing spatio-temporal process and parameter dynamics in models to characterise contrasting catchments. Journal of Hydrology 570, 863–874.

Sada R, Schmalz B, Kiesel J, Fohrer N. 2019. Probable Changes in Climate and Hydrological Regimes of the Western Siberian Lowlands. Environmental Earth Sciences 78:56, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-019-8047-0.

Kiesel J, Gericke A, Rathjens H, Wetzig A, Kakouei K, Jähnig SC, Fohrer N. 2019. Climate change impacts on ecologically relevant hydrological indicators in three catchments in three European ecoregions. Ecological Engineering 127, 404-416.

Irving K, Kuemmerlen M, Kiesel J, Kakouei K, Domisch S, Jähnig SC. 2018. Daily stream flow and hydrological metrics for Germany, as predicted by a simple regression model. Scientific Data 5:180224, DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2018.224.

Kakouei K, Kiesel J, Domisch S, Irving K, Jähnig S, Kail J. 2018. Projected effects of climate change- induced flow alterations on stream macroinvertebrate abundances. Ecol Evol. 2018;00:1–17. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.3907

Guse B, Pfannerstill M, Gafurov A, Kiesel J, Lehr C, Fohrer N. 2017. Identifying the connective strength between model parameters and performance criteria. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21, 5663-5679, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-21-5663-2017.

Kiesel J, Guse B, Pfannerstill M, Kakouei K, Jähnig SC, Fohrer N. 2017. Improving hydrological model optimization for riverine species. Ecological Indicators 80, 376-385, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.04.032.

Kakouei K, Kiesel J, Kail J, Pusch M, Jähnig SC. 2017. Quantitative hydrologic preferences of benthic stream invertebrates in Germany. Ecological Indicators 79, 163-172.

Kiesel J, Pfannerstill M, Schmalz B, Khoroshavin V, Sheludkov A, Veshkurseva T, Fohrer N. 2017. Modelling of hydrological processes in snowmelt-governed meso-scale catchments of the Western Siberian Lowlands. International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1504/IJHST.2018.10007182.

Schmalz B, Kruse M, Kiesel J, Müller F, Fohrer N. 2016. Water-related ecosystem services in Western Siberian lowland basins - Analysing and mapping spatial and seasonal effects on regulating services based on ecohydrological modelling results. Ecological Indicators 71: 55-65.

Guse B, Kail J, Radinger K, Schröder M, Kiesel J, Hering D, Wolter C, Fohrer N. 2015. Eco-hydrologic model cascades: Simulating land use and climate change impacts on hydrology, hydraulics and habitats for fish and macroinvertebrates. Science of the Total Environment 533: 542-556.

Kail J, Guse B, Radinger J, Schröder M, Kiesel J, Kleinhans M, Schuurman F, Fohrer N, Hering D, Wolter C. 2015. From hydrology to species assemblages - a modelling framework to assess the effect of pressures on river habitat conditions and biota. PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0130228.

Kiesel J, Schröder M, Hering D, Schmalz B, Hörmann G, Jähnig SC, Fohrer N. 2015. A new model linking macroinvertebrate assemblages to habitat composition in rivers: development, sensitivity and univariate application. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 186 (1-2).

Schmalz B, Kuemmerlen M, Kiesel J, Cai Q, Jähnig SC, Fohrer N. 2014. Impacts of land use changes on hydrological components and macroinvertebrate distributions in the Poyang lake area. Ecohydrology 2014, DOI: 10.1002/eco.1569
Schröder M, Kiesel J, Schattmann A, Jähnig SC, Lorenz AW, Kramm S. 2013. Substratum associations of benthic invertebrates in lowland and mountain streams. Ecological Indicators 30, 178-189.

Kiesel J, Schmalz B, Brown G, Fohrer N. 2013. Application of a hydrological-hydraulic modelling cascade in lowlands for investigating water and sediment fluxes in the catchment, channel and reach. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 61(4), 313-325.

Abdulla N, Petersen G, Kiesel J, Wade S. 2013. Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in Yemen. Journal of Earth Science and Engineering 3, 629-638.

Zhao GJ, Hörmann G, Fohrer N, Kiesel J, Gao JF, Li HP. 2012. Application of a nutrient model for sediment yield and phosphorus load estimation in a data scarce catchment in South China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 21(7a), 1894-1904.

Kiesel J, Schmalz B, Savant G, Fohrer N. 2012. Across the scales: From catchment hydrology to instream hydraulics. In: Understanding Changing Climate and Environment and Finding Solutions. Editors: R-P. Hinkelmann, Y. Liong, D. Savic, MH. Nasermoaddeli, K-F. Daemrich, P. Fröhle, D. Jacob. TuTech Innovation. 

Jähnig SC, Kuemmerlen M, Kiesel J, Domisch S, Cai Q, Schmalz B, Fohrer N. 2012. Modelling of riverine ecosystems by integrating models: conceptual approach, a case study and research agenda. Journal of Biogeography 39(12), 2253–2263.
Liu H, Kiesel J, Hörmann G, Fohrer N. 2011. Effects of DEM horizontal resolution and methods on calculating the slope length factor in gently rolling landscapes. Catena 87, 368-375.

Kiesel J. Fohrer N, Schmalz B. 2010. Considering aquatic habitat properties in integrated river basin management - an ecohydrological modelling approach. Hydrocomplexity: new tools for solving the wicked water problems. (edited by Savenije H, Demuth S, Hubert P.), IAHS Publications 338. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, UK, 137-139.

Kiesel J, Fohrer N, Schmalz B, White MJ. 2010. Incorporating landscape depressions and tile drainages of a northern German lowland catchment into a semi-distributed model. Hydrological Processes 24, 1472 1486.

Liu H, Fohrer N, Hörmann G, Kiesel J. 2009. Suitability of S factor algorithms for soil loss estimation at gently sloped landscapes. Catena 77. 248-255.

Kiesel J, Hering D, Schmalz B, Fohrer N. 2009. A transdisciplinary approach for modelling macroinvertebrate habitats in lowland streams. IAHS Publications 328, 24-33. 

Kiesel J, Schmalz B, Fohrer N. 2009. SEPAL – a simple GIS-based tool to estimate sediment pathways in lowland catchments. Advances in Geosciences 21(3), 25-32.